Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What's a FOAK?

Malia (soon to be the most common name of newborn girl babies) and I had an acronym for Fount of all Knowledge - FOAK. Generally it had to do with something I maybe knew that she needed to know. Or it might have been she needed a Google screen available over the phone, with a semi-literate monkey to ask the world wide web of knowledge an important query to decide the fate of peace in the People's Republic of Oregon - or maybe answer a trivia question for bonus points on a school scavenger hunt. (If you didn't know I run to too long sentences and a rambling style that rarely gets to the point, you do now.) I take the title of Foak seriously, or at least as seriously as I take anything.

Chances are great if you're reading this your last name is Hite, or it once was and you already knew what a Foak was. But just in case a random stranger mis-spells "Foal" on Google and has too much curiosity to take their suggestion that you were looking for baby horses in stead of an old horse's arse...

Anyway, I generally only read blogs of people I know well (generally having a possibility of needing a body part of theirs someday when mine fails.) But I do read a few bloggish sites like Weird Universe and Museum of Hoaxes. Not that I have any of their dedication, but I hope to put in an occasional interesting thought or point of trivia on a sporadic schedule determined by my particular mood swing and free time available.

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