Friday, November 21, 2008


"Call Me" by Blondie
"When Doves Cry" by Prince
"MacArthur Park" by Donna Summer
"Too Much" by Elvis Presley
"Best of My Love" by The Emotions
"Don't/ I Beg of You" by Elvis Presley
"On My Own" by Patti LaBelle & Michael McDonald
"Opposites Attract" by Paula Abdul with The Wild Pair
"Endless Love" by Diana Ross & Lionel Richie

What do these mean to me?

The first correct post/answer wins a combination compass, whistle, thermometer, and magnifying glass.


Mama Hite said...

I guess that these songs express your feelings when you lost 2 of your sons.

Jim Hite said...

Wrong answer - try again for the consolation prize - a hotdog from 7-11.